TOWN OF MADISON BUDGET REQUESTS FOR APPROPRIATIONS FOR GENERAL TOWN GOVERNMENT AND BOARD OF EDUCATION EXPENDITURES FROM JULY 1, 2022 TO JUNE 30, 2023 Acting under Section 772 of the General Statutes of the State of Connecticut Revision of 1949, the Town of Madison has created a Board of Finance. The following is a preliminary estimate of the necessary monies for the running of the Town of Madison for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023 made by the Board of Education and the Town Government Officials for submission to and action by the Board of Finance. Also, an estimate of ex- penditures for the current fiscal period from July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022. Department Actual Actual Approved Estimated Requested Recommended by Difference Estimated Net Revenues Expenditures Budget Budget Budget Board of Board of From PY Revenues Cost 2020-2021 2020-2021 2021-2022 2021-2022 2022-2023 Selectmen Finance Approved Budget 2022-2023 to Town TOWN GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS HEALTH INSURANCE / SELF FUNDING 5,330,285 26,129,419 25,665,738 28,737,750 26,049,010 26,777,147 27,252,399 1,586,661 2,767,123 24,485,276 1,968,255 1,883,706 1,883,706 2,031,512 2,031,512 2,031,512 147,806 DEBT SERVICE 1,317,434 1,402,734 1,402,734 1,510,833 1,510,833 1,510,833 108,099 PRIVATE SCHOOLS TOTAL TOWN GOVERNMENT 285,660 29,700,768 8,119 180,652 180.652 309.924 309,924 309,924 129,272 5,338,404 29,132,830 32,204,842 29,901,279 30,629,416 31,104,668 1,971,838 2,767,123 28,337,545 BOARD OF EDUCATION GENERAL EDUCATION SPECIAL EDUCATION / STUDENT SERVICES SCHOOL FACILITIES 32,237,073 32,719,245 32,753,048 33,898,092 33,898,092 33,898,092 1,178,847 10,464,707 11,328,097 10,663,489 11,283,637 11,283,637 11,283,637 (44,460) 5,478,853 5,491,598 6,122,403 5,584,458 5,584,458 5,584,458 92,860 SUB TOTAL 48,180,633 49,538,940 49,538,940 50,766,187 50,766,187 50,766,187 1,227,247 9,000 50,757,187 HEALTH INSURANCE / SELF FUNDING 8,005,772 7,783,918 7,783,918 7,991,700 7,991,700 7,991,700 207,782 DEBT SERVICE 2.020,613 1,949,179 1,949,179 1,497,530 1,497,530 1,497,530 (451,649) TOTAL BOARD OF EDUCATION 440,055 58,207,018 59,272,037 59,272,037 60,255,417 60,255,417 60,255,417 983,380 9.000 60,246,417 BUDGET GRAND TOTAL 5,778,459 87,907,786 88,404,867 91,476,879 90,156,696 90,884,833 91,360,085 2,955,218 2,776,123 88,583,962 Revenue Columns exclude Tax Revenue. Schedules supporting the requested budget amounts are on file in the Finance office. Status of projected unassigned Fund Balance as of 3/28/22 (net of Board of Finance 10% Fund Balance Reserve Policy) 7,439,334 AMOUNT REQUESTED TO FUND TOWN GOVERNMENT FOR 2022-2023 31,104,668 AMOUNT APPROVED TO FUND TOWN GOVERNMENT FOR 2021-2022 29,132,830 INCREASE IN AMOUNT TO FUND TOWN GOVERNMENT: 1,971,838 60,255,417 AMOUNT REQUESTED TO FUND EDUCATION FOR 2022-2023 AMOUNT APPROVED TO FUND EDUCATION FOR 2021-2022 59,272,037 INCREASE IN AMOUNT TO FUND EDUCATION 983,380 GRAND TOTAL REQUEST FOR 2022-2023 91,360,085 GRAND TOTAL APPROVED FOR 2021-2022 88,404,867 INCREASE IN AMOUNT TO FUND TOWN AND EDUCATION: 2,955,218 TOWN OF MADISON BUDGET REQUESTS FOR APPROPRIATIONS FOR GENERAL TOWN GOVERNMENT AND BOARD OF EDUCATION EXPENDITURES FROM JULY 1, 2022 TO JUNE 30, 2023 Acting under Section 772 of the General Statutes of the State of Connecticut Revision of 1949, the Town of Madison has created a Board of Finance. The following is a preliminary estimate of the necessary monies for the running of the Town of Madison for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023 made by the Board of Education and the Town Government Officials for submission to and action by the Board of Finance. Also, an estimate of ex- penditures for the current fiscal period from July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022. Department Actual Actual Approved Estimated Requested Recommended by Difference Estimated Net Revenues Expenditures Budget Budget Budget Board of Board of From PY Revenues Cost 2020-2021 2020-2021 2021-2022 2021-2022 2022-2023 Selectmen Finance Approved Budget 2022-2023 to Town TOWN GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS HEALTH INSURANCE / SELF FUNDING 5,330,285 26,129,419 25,665,738 28,737,750 26,049,010 26,777,147 27,252,399 1,586,661 2,767,123 24,485,276 1,968,255 1,883,706 1,883,706 2,031,512 2,031,512 2,031,512 147,806 DEBT SERVICE 1,317,434 1,402,734 1,402,734 1,510,833 1,510,833 1,510,833 108,099 PRIVATE SCHOOLS TOTAL TOWN GOVERNMENT 285,660 29,700,768 8,119 180,652 180.652 309.924 309,924 309,924 129,272 5,338,404 29,132,830 32,204,842 29,901,279 30,629,416 31,104,668 1,971,838 2,767,123 28,337,545 BOARD OF EDUCATION GENERAL EDUCATION SPECIAL EDUCATION / STUDENT SERVICES SCHOOL FACILITIES 32,237,073 32,719,245 32,753,048 33,898,092 33,898,092 33,898,092 1,178,847 10,464,707 11,328,097 10,663,489 11,283,637 11,283,637 11,283,637 (44,460) 5,478,853 5,491,598 6,122,403 5,584,458 5,584,458 5,584,458 92,860 SUB TOTAL 48,180,633 49,538,940 49,538,940 50,766,187 50,766,187 50,766,187 1,227,247 9,000 50,757,187 HEALTH INSURANCE / SELF FUNDING 8,005,772 7,783,918 7,783,918 7,991,700 7,991,700 7,991,700 207,782 DEBT SERVICE 2.020,613 1,949,179 1,949,179 1,497,530 1,497,530 1,497,530 (451,649) TOTAL BOARD OF EDUCATION 440,055 58,207,018 59,272,037 59,272,037 60,255,417 60,255,417 60,255,417 983,380 9.000 60,246,417 BUDGET GRAND TOTAL 5,778,459 87,907,786 88,404,867 91,476,879 90,156,696 90,884,833 91,360,085 2,955,218 2,776,123 88,583,962 Revenue Columns exclude Tax Revenue. Schedules supporting the requested budget amounts are on file in the Finance office. Status of projected unassigned Fund Balance as of 3/28/22 (net of Board of Finance 10% Fund Balance Reserve Policy) 7,439,334 AMOUNT REQUESTED TO FUND TOWN GOVERNMENT FOR 2022-2023 31,104,668 AMOUNT APPROVED TO FUND TOWN GOVERNMENT FOR 2021-2022 29,132,830 INCREASE IN AMOUNT TO FUND TOWN GOVERNMENT: 1,971,838 60,255,417 AMOUNT REQUESTED TO FUND EDUCATION FOR 2022-2023 AMOUNT APPROVED TO FUND EDUCATION FOR 2021-2022 59,272,037 INCREASE IN AMOUNT TO FUND EDUCATION 983,380 GRAND TOTAL REQUEST FOR 2022-2023 91,360,085 GRAND TOTAL APPROVED FOR 2021-2022 88,404,867 INCREASE IN AMOUNT TO FUND TOWN AND EDUCATION: 2,955,218