Town of Madison Board of Finance Recommended Capital Improvement Program Annual Capital Budget Funding Fiscal Years 2022-2023 through 2026-2027 The following represents the Annual Capital Budget/Fiscal Year 2022-2023 is included in the Total Board of Finance Recommended Budget Capital Projeet Fund 2021-2022 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 2025-2026 2026-2027 Total Ambulance Replacement Capital Non-Recurring Expenditures S100,000 S100,000 S100,000 S100,000 S100,000 S100,000 S500,000 1,372,704 2,163,885 1,456,302 1,499.991 1,544,990 1,591,340 S8,256,508 Communications 500,000 480,000 350,000 350,000 350,000 350,000 S1,880,000 Fire Protection Water Tanks 75,000 75,000 75.000 75,000 75,000 75,000 S375,000 Highway Equip & Town Vehicle Madison Hose Co. No. I Apparatus/Truck Repl 170,000 225,000 250,000 300,000 350,000 350,000 S1,475,000 290,000 320,000 350,000 350,000 350,000 350,000 S1,720,000 Madison Hose Co. No. I Hose & Equip 25,400 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 S125,000 Major Roads 580,000 640,000 700,000 760,000 820,000 880,000 S3,800,000 NOMAD Apparatus/Truck Repl 130,000 130,000 130,000 130,000 130,000 130,000 S650,000 NOMAD HHose & Equip 37,000 37,000 37,000 37,000 37,000 37,000 S185,000 Police Vehicles 120,000 120,000 135,000 135,000 135,000 135,000 S660,000 Technology 140,000 250,000 350,000 275,000 225,000 225,000 S1,325,000 Total Capital Budget S3,540,104 S4,565,885 S3,958,302 S4,036,991 S4,141,990 S4,248,340 S20,951,508 Capital Expenditures by Department CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS 2021-2122 The following represents annual Capital Expenditures out of the Capital Projects Fund 2022-2123 Budget Recommended by Dihreno App. Budget Beginning Projected Spec Esinated Projected Ending Balance AppiSute Reinb Expenditures Balance Requested Board ef Board of (eacludes Transfers (Revenues) 4302922 Budget Selectman Finance Spec Appl 2417 2 2.84E630 1372.4 190 Fiscal Years 2022-2023 through 2026-2027 from PY 2022-2023 2023-2024 2025-2026 2N06-2027 TOTAL Project CNRE, Master T2021 Beach and Rocreation $243390 SIKSS17 S266,741 $258.561 SMA000 2872 704 2481755 128 45 56681 1688.885 2163885 7911 110.000 Education Kieneral Govenment Faciities hhlic Salety Public Works 951A32 Technology Hghway Equipment Major Roads Police Vwhicies Communication Equipment Truck Replacement-adison Hone Truck Replacement-Norh Madson Anbulance Hose Equipment-Madison Hose Mose Equipment North Madison Water Tanks-North Madison Open Space Constal Resiliency Total 140 00 133.549 140.00 250.000 250.000 170.000 S80.000 33850 35830 40036 170.000 580.000 225.000 640.00d 600.000 220000 100,000 1,160,000 50000 $2,130000 225.000 5.000 174273 2,400,583 905 316 1,529,421 STA86,600 1054 AS 1231.12 640.000 60.000 26.206 26654 226 120 000 500.000 103.541 42.665 120.000 636 500.000 290.000 120.000 480.000 320.000 120.000 480.000 320.000 451002 1.726,458 1,19,62 S46196 20.000 30.000 2,065,367 1,045, 100 1,84,161 1330338 STAIS,29 290000 51.000 Technology Tetal Capital Expenditures 205,000 415,000 205,000 205,000 20.000 $1,225000 2572 172900 5158 130.000 100.000 25400 37,000 130.000 100.000 25.400 37 000 130.000 100.000 25.000 37.000 130.000 100.000 25000 $7.126,864 $4,708,201 $4.584,361 SIKJ01.526 2004 151 19.047 33.43 (400 Escludes any Capital Expenditures with a possible Geteral Obligation Bond Source 37.000 277.75 75.000 35275 75.000 75.00d 75.000 RESERVE FUNDS 238 00 238.00 2021-2022 500.000 500,000 Beginning Approved Estinated Projected Rrqusted Budget Recommended by Dilernnce 5340. 104 5.096.35 5682.05 1540.104 4,090.8 4.585.805 125781 Budget Expenditues Ending Bal Budget Spec Appr Ravenue 342 77.827 Balance Board of Board of From PY Project Energy Assistance Severance Pay 6302022 2022-202 Selectran Finance Appr. Budget SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS / FUND BALANCE FISCAL YEAR 2021-2022 as of 3/28/22 Amount 1,000,000 342 Department Line tem 50.000 62.147 85.680 50.000 50.000 50.000 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS TOWN PENSION ADOL FUNDING SELECTMANS OFFICE COASTAL RESILIENCY 500,000 1048 2153 11483 Def Contribution Pension Sef insurance Revaluation POLICE DEPARTMENT SALARY UPGRADES 62,012 45.000 17.2 17.034 45.000 4000 5120 45.000 45.000 SELECTMANS OFFICE MUNGERTOWN LAND PURCHASE 1,300,000 1025 4.00 176.21 B400 400 BODY CAMERAS AND IN CAR VIDEOS POLICE 210,000 Debt Service 341.01 341.011 285655 Total 3,072.012 Planning BOE Extamal Placaments GASB 45 OPEB Hstorical Document Preservation 252.36 50.000 16.705 50.000 50.000 50.000 SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS / CONTINGENCY FISCAL YEAR 2021-2022 Department 350.00 350.00 Line Item Amount 974 1117 824 1681 RISK MANAOEMENT GENERAL INSURANCE 9.500 10.000 10.00 10.000 0.000 SELECTMAN'S OFFICE WEST WHARF LEASE 7,000 Total 1,174,554 239000 122,001 1291353 239,000 238.00 233,000 SELECTMANS OFFICE DOWNTOWN WINTER DISPLAY 7,000 Total 23,500 Town of Madison Board of Finance Recommended Capital Improvement Program Annual Capital Budget Funding Fiscal Years 2022-2023 through 2026-2027 The following represents the Annual Capital Budget/Fiscal Year 2022-2023 is included in the Total Board of Finance Recommended Budget Capital Projeet Fund 2021-2022 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 2025-2026 2026-2027 Total Ambulance Replacement Capital Non-Recurring Expenditures S100,000 S100,000 S100,000 S100,000 S100,000 S100,000 S500,000 1,372,704 2,163,885 1,456,302 1,499.991 1,544,990 1,591,340 S8,256,508 Communications 500,000 480,000 350,000 350,000 350,000 350,000 S1,880,000 Fire Protection Water Tanks 75,000 75,000 75.000 75,000 75,000 75,000 S375,000 Highway Equip & Town Vehicle Madison Hose Co. No. I Apparatus/Truck Repl 170,000 225,000 250,000 300,000 350,000 350,000 S1,475,000 290,000 320,000 350,000 350,000 350,000 350,000 S1,720,000 Madison Hose Co. No. I Hose & Equip 25,400 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 S125,000 Major Roads 580,000 640,000 700,000 760,000 820,000 880,000 S3,800,000 NOMAD Apparatus/Truck Repl 130,000 130,000 130,000 130,000 130,000 130,000 S650,000 NOMAD HHose & Equip 37,000 37,000 37,000 37,000 37,000 37,000 S185,000 Police Vehicles 120,000 120,000 135,000 135,000 135,000 135,000 S660,000 Technology 140,000 250,000 350,000 275,000 225,000 225,000 S1,325,000 Total Capital Budget S3,540,104 S4,565,885 S3,958,302 S4,036,991 S4,141,990 S4,248,340 S20,951,508 Capital Expenditures by Department CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS 2021-2122 The following represents annual Capital Expenditures out of the Capital Projects Fund 2022-2123 Budget Recommended by Dihreno App. Budget Beginning Projected Spec Esinated Projected Ending Balance AppiSute Reinb Expenditures Balance Requested Board ef Board of (eacludes Transfers (Revenues) 4302922 Budget Selectman Finance Spec Appl 2417 2 2.84E630 1372.4 1 90 Fiscal Years 2022-2023 through 2026-2027 from PY 2022-2023 2023-2024 2025-2026 2N06-2027 TOTAL Project CNRE, Master T2021 Beach and Rocreation $243390 SIKSS17 S266,741 $258.561 SMA000 2872 704 2481755 128 45 56681 1688.885 2163885 7911 110.000 Education Kieneral Govenment Faciities hhlic Salety Public Works 951A32 Technology Hghway Equipment Major Roads Police Vwhicies Communication Equipment Truck Replacement-adison Hone Truck Replacement-Norh Madson Anbulance Hose Equipment-Madison Hose Mose Equipment North Madison Water Tanks-North Madison Open Space Constal Resiliency Total 140 00 133.549 140.00 250.000 250.000 170.000 S80.000 33850 35830 40036 170.000 580.000 225.000 640.00d 600.000 220000 100,000 1,160,000 50000 $2,130000 225.000 5.000 174273 2,400,583 905 316 1,529,421 STA86,600 1054 AS 1231.12 640.000 60.000 26.206 26654 226 120 000 500.000 103.541 42.665 120.000 636 500.000 290.000 120.000 480.000 320.000 120.000 480.000 320.000 451002 1.726,458 1,19,62 S46196 20.000 30.000 2,065,367 1,045, 100 1,84,161 1330338 STAIS,29 290000 51.000 Technology Tetal Capital Expenditures 205,000 415,000 205,000 205,000 20.000 $1,225000 2572 172900 5158 130.000 100.000 25400 37,000 130.000 100.000 25.400 37 000 130.000 100.000 25.000 37.000 130.000 100.000 25000 $7.126,864 $4,708,201 $4.584,361 SIKJ01.526 2004 151 19.047 33.43 (400 Escludes any Capital Expenditures with a possible Geteral Obligation Bond Source 37.000 277.75 75.000 35275 75.000 75.00d 75.000 RESERVE FUNDS 238 00 238.00 2021-2022 500.000 500,000 Beginning Approved Estinated Projected Rrqusted Budget Recommended by Dilernnce 5340. 104 5.096.35 5682.05 1540.104 4,090.8 4.585.805 125781 Budget Expenditues Ending Bal Budget Spec Appr Ravenue 342 77.827 Balance Board of Board of From PY Project Energy Assistance Severance Pay 6302022 2022-202 Selectran Finance Appr. Budget SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS / FUND BALANCE FISCAL YEAR 2021-2022 as of 3/28/22 Amount 1,000,000 342 Department Line tem 50.000 62.147 85.680 50.000 50.000 50.000 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS TOWN PENSION ADOL FUNDING SELECTMANS OFFICE COASTAL RESILIENCY 500,000 1048 2153 11483 Def Contribution Pension Sef insurance Revaluation POLICE DEPARTMENT SALARY UPGRADES 62,012 45.000 17.2 17.034 45.000 4000 5120 45.000 45.000 SELECTMANS OFFICE MUNGERTOWN LAND PURCHASE 1,300,000 1025 4.00 176.21 B400 400 BODY CAMERAS AND IN CAR VIDEOS POLICE 210,000 Debt Service 341.01 341.011 285655 Total 3,072.012 Planning BOE Extamal Placaments GASB 45 OPEB Hstorical Document Preservation 252.36 50.000 16.705 50.000 50.000 50.000 SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS / CONTINGENCY FISCAL YEAR 2021-2022 Department 350.00 350.00 Line Item Amount 974 1117 824 1681 RISK MANAOEMENT GENERAL INSURANCE 9.500 10.000 10.00 10.000 0.000 SELECTMAN'S OFFICE WEST WHARF LEASE 7,000 Total 1,174,554 239000 122,001 1291353 239,000 238.00 233,000 SELECTMANS OFFICE DOWNTOWN WINTER DISPLAY 7,000 Total 23,500