he HeatSmart Connecticut Program was created by People’s Action for Clean Energy (PACE) to promote the adoption of clean heating and cooling technologies in Connecticut. The HeatSmart Program focuses on Air Source Heat Pump and Ground Source Heat Pump Technology (hereafter “heat pumps”). Future HeatSmart campaigns may include additional technologies such as heat pump hot water heaters and solar thermal.
HeatSmart Connecticut is a community-based outreach and education program. It provides an avenue for towns and municipalities to work with heat pump contractors, and conduct campaigns promoting this technology through a group purchasing model. Additionally, HeatSmart campaigns promote energy efficiency by working together with local Home Energy Solutions (HES) auditors. The Program aims to increase awareness and understanding of heat pumps, and, where appropriate, increase their deployment for both residential and small-scale commercial buildings. HeatSmart is modeled on the highly successful Solarize Connecticut program.