Sip Save June 27th 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM 100 Bradley Road Madison CT 06443 We're partnering with local wine merchants to host our inaugural Sip and Save! Please join us for this special wine tasting event where we'll feature a variety of wines to taste. We'll also have information on animals that are up for adoption at the Dan Cosgrove Animal Shelter in Branford, and you'll have the ability to make donations to their cause. You'll also get to meet our very own dog, Tux, and hear about his journey. HCearth Cuxis Pond Pea S ny myre PAN RSVP to Deb Battista by June 20th at (203) 245-3311 INDEPENDENT LIVING I ASSISTED LIVING MEMORY CARE I THEHEARTH.NET ANIMA Sip Save June 27th 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM 100 Bradley Road Madison CT 06443 We're partnering with local wine merchants to host our inaugural Sip and Save! Please join us for this special wine tasting event where we'll feature a variety of wines to taste. We'll also have information on animals that are up for adoption at the Dan Cosgrove Animal Shelter in Branford, and you'll have the ability to make donations to their cause. You'll also get to meet our very own dog, Tux, and hear about his journey. HCearth Cuxis Pond Pea S ny myre PAN RSVP to Deb Battista by June 20th at (203) 245-3311 INDEPENDENT LIVING I ASSISTED LIVING MEMORY CARE I THEHEARTH.NET ANIMA