THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! AMBULANCE The Madison Ambulance Association extends its heartfelt thanks to all the residents and community members of our Town who so generously supported our fundraising campaign from August 2019 through June 2020. Your 24/7 Ambulance Service is a 501(c)3 Non-Profit Organization and is not a Town of Madison entity. While the Town certainly provides significant financial support to us, our ability to recover all of our costs is limited by State and Federal regulations, leaving us with a deficit. Resident contributions help us to reduce this situation, and we say MADISON CONN. "THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!" 9 Old State Hwy 79, Madison, CT 203-245-9821 We apologize if we have misspelled any names, we did our best to proof our list! For information on making a Legacy Gift through your estate, please call. Mr. & Mrs. Gary Childress AMs Dvt gtian Mr. Michael Johnson M.& Ms. Jerome Co M. Joph Conpe M. Joshua Copel M. Ca Copley M.& Ms. Andrew Coppa MA Ms. Abert Coppola M.& Ms. Pa Coppola M. Sarah Coring M.& Ms. Emat Cor Ms. Patricia Corradne M. Chates Corso M Don Coshan MAMs Joph Couture felx Cowey M Derms Croe M. Joceyn Cunninghan M. bene Curts M.& Ms. Paul Dacorte M. & Ms. Thomas Daly M& Mrs Arthur Daly M.& Ms. Rchard Daniels M.& Ms. Joseph MS Mes. Ohartes Daricek W& Mrs. James Davidon M.& M. Sphen Davis Co Davis M. Eleen Oavis M.& Ms. Marinus De Jongh M Gerald Degenhard M John Delemame M. John Demetriou M. Clak Denslow Ms. Phylis Denton M. Louela Desa M. Norma Damond Ms. Dorma Obartolo M& Ms. Raymond Dickinson M.&Ms. Anthony Dicorlets M. Carolyn Dele M. John Diglo Ms. Carolyn Dilee M.& Mrs. John Dion M. Tony DOcchio M. John Ooheny M.& Mrs Anthony Doina M.& Ms. Wam Dol M. Dernis Dolahte M. Patrick Donahue Ms. Holly Donato Ms. Helen Donohue Ms. Sumy Donovan M.& Ms. Mak Doody M. & Mrs. George Doolte M.& Mrs. Michael Dorar M.& Mrs. John Domk M.& Ms. John Domk M.& Ms. Thomas Doughety M.& Mrs. Wan Downes M.& Mrs. Mak Drabinsk M.J. Henry Drought M. Jm Drum Ms. Donna Dubalde Ms. Donna Dubalde Mr. & Ms. Lawrence Federice The Ferency Family Ms. Caherine Ferraite Mr. & Ms. Mk fents Ms. Madeline Fakoa M & Ms. Toby Holoran M & Ms. Thomas Hellowy Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Homin M& Ms. Rchard Hokine HPS Associates LLC Ms. Teme Hudon Ms. Anne Hul M. Vera Masse M. & Ms. John Mathen M& Ms Jan Mahieu M. & Ms. Pau MeCarty M. Pul Pe M David Peter M David Phelan Ms. Renee ps M& Mes. Lawnence McCarty Me Mke Piccione M. & Ms. James MeCoskey Me Michael Piccione M. & Mrs. Thomas McComick Ma. Dianne Picone M & Ms. ames Picone Mr & Mrs. Brian Smith M. Aey M Ondy Bakey M& M. Rchard burd M& Ms. Rebetald Ms. Linda Smih M& Ms. Freeman Smt Ma. Gail Snow M & Mrs. John Sokoinicki Ms Acia Solis Ma. Constance Somers Mr & Ms. Curtis Sorensen Mr & Ms JKant Sprague Mr. Wam Sprague Ms. Charon Squtier Ms. Patrica St acqus DE Wan Stabletord Mr & Ms. Elas Stamatelos Mr James Steta Mr & Mrs. Harold Strphens Mr & Ms. James Shenson Ms. Francine Stem D& M. Thomas Sarwart Mr 6 Mrs. Lee Sewart Ms. Patrica Sso Mr & Mrs. Arthie Store M & Mes. Robert Stout Mr Wiam Sunblade Mr Mrs Jack Suton Mr & Mrs. Anthony Tavela Mr lan Taylor Mr & Mrs. Paul Teleg Ms Jyne Teford Mr & Mrs John Tewkstury Mr Rodney Thomas Ma. Mriam Thomas Ms. Barbara Thomposon Mr & M. Willam Thompson, J Mr & Mrs. Mak Tiede Ms. Sarah Tiemey Mr 6 Mrs. Gary facia Or & Mrs. Gerald Tolchin Mr Damen Toten Ms. Roberta Trotta Mr & Mrs. Eehard Tscholl Mr & Mrs. Charles Tyson Mr & Mrs. Strphen Upham Mr& Ms. Gerbrand Van Dk Kaas Van Heel Ma. Mary Vrga Mr & Mrs. Edwin Varley Ms. Carolyn Varone Mr & Mrs. Harold Viyo Mr & Ms. Robert We Von Ancken & Asociates Mr & Mrs. Jh Wagner Ms. Eleen Waldman Ms. Catherine Wker PFWalace Mr & Mrs. Owen Walsh Mr & Mrs. James Walsh Ms. Helen Davis Mr. & Mrs. J. Sanford Davis Mter Baker Ms. Laura Desmarais Mr. & Mrs. EJ. Finn Mr. Bruce Kely Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Mig Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Murphy Me& Mis. Aelonio Betista Mr. & Mrs. Jack Reynolds Madison Beach Hobel McKinney Realty LLC Ms. Sara Bermier Mrs. Marsena Campbel Mr. Thomas Drennen Ms. Maria De Castro Foden Mr. Ted Glassman Ms. Regina Hausmann Mr. Thomas Holloway Mr. & Mrs. James Ryan Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Sisk The Madison Foundation Madison Jaycees, Inc. Homestead Madison, LLC Ms. Joan Fibey Mr. & Mn. Raymond Fip Ms. Auttin Fah, Mr. & Ms. Carts Fisher Mr. & Ms. Richard fuh M Cra Flath Mr. Edmen Flood M. Suranne Fogaty Ms. Dorcas fontaine Mr. & Mrs. Alan ford Ms. Melody Fonest Frame Advisors. LLC Mr &Mrs. James Francese Mr. Mark feedette Mr. Dvid frey Mr Aan fredier M. Margrd Baket M. Mary Bareby M& M. Themas Mr. & Ms Jhn bbeon M& Mn. Wayde uakson Mr & Ms. Lloyd Jcobsen Ms. L Ja M Judth McCunker Bruce& Renoe Mcntyre Charitatie Mr & Mn. Antony Perce-Gove Chartable G M. Vietor Megrady M. Mary Mebain M. & Ms. Michael Mckinnen M Alexander Mkissi Ms. Beabeth MeManus M. Lyda MeMin Mi. Helen Mamara M. Beverty Meel M. Patricia Monemey M.& Ms. K. Stepheri Meader Ms. Lisa Meland M. Helen Melanidis Trat a Donor Advised Trust of the US Mr &Ms. Rutsell Pieson Mr & M. Wam hogo Mr & Ms. Starey Pnover Ms. Lisa Porke Mr & M. Gary Pat M Peter Porino Ms. Nancy Porter Mr No Potovot Ms. Deanore Poter M Thomas Poel Mr Stephen Power Ms Helen Powers Mr & Mn. Philp Prest M Ms James Preston Dr. Gary rice M& Ms. Howard Barron MA Ms. Dougas Bavin M& Ms. Wan Beagle Me& Mrs. Vemen Beaice M Bruce Bebe M.& M Becker M& Mrs. Cvistan Becker M& Ms. Chartes Beckman Ms. Patricia Bedard M. Louise Beecher Ms. Patricia Behan M& Mrs. Henry Betre M& Ms. Oavid Del M& Ms. Henry Berham M Thomas Benincas, Me& Ms. Michael Berendt M & Mrs Robert Jefords M. & Mrs. Brook Jeryk M & Ms. Kevi Johoon Ms. Linda Jhnon De& M. Frak Jones M& Ms. Carance Jones Mr & Ms. Lawrence Ksh M. Para Kapsinow Dr &Ms. Lee Ka M. Rbn Keegan M Brian Keeney Ms Pa Keiser Ms. Dorthy Kelley M& Mrs. Divaker Keskare M & Mrs. Thomas Kennedy Mc & Ms. Richard Kamnedy Mr. & Mrs. Wiam frednan M. Marianne Frost Mr Rebert Fryar Mr. & Mrs. hn Fuchs Mr. fred Fuest Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Galtagher Mr. A M. Scott Ganber Mr. & Mrs. ttey Gamet Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Ganty Mr. & Mrs. Brendan Garvey Ms. Barberam Gay M. Duane Melor M. Judth Merram M.& Mrs. Peter Metz M. Oynthia Meyn M& Ms. Themas Mchacnk M. Batara Mes M. Jet M M. Jane Miler M.&Ms Joel Miler Ms. Dina Mini Mr & Ms. Wiam Pruchnick M & Mrs. Bennett Pudin Ms Andrea Puglia Mr. Donel Rubinowitz Dr etey Rabufto Mr & Mrs. Edward Rat M & Mrs Andrew Rat Ms. Ruh Raleigh Mr & Mrs. Don Rankin Ms Agnes Rath Mr Sart Ratray M Timothy Rausch Mr & Mrs. Artur Redich Ms. Bonie Berral M Rody Bertolin M Carles inkley Ms. Alson Be M& Mrs. Alan Bake Mr. & Mrs. Wiam Keterer Phongphan aman Ms. Nancy Kernan M & Mrs. Thomas Kity M & Mrs. Moris Krcheft RichardA Gmtle Bldng Co. LLC M John Kissane Mr & Mrs. Frank King M & M. George Klug M David Kno M George Koch Mr & Mrs. Pa Konina Mr. & Mrs. Richard Komala Ms. Michele Kottage Ms. Mary Kooma Mr & Mrs. Ronald Krauss Mr & Mrs. David Kreuter Ms. Paricia Laganse Mr. Peter Lavele Dr. Vijay Arand Ms. Marie Bassett Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Browning Ms. Marcia iven Marjorie Clark Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Cooper Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Davis Mr. Joe Davola Ms. Christine Dechello Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Dolan Ms. Lucinda Embersits Ms. Jeanie Haggan Mr. & Mrs. Mahion Hale Mr. & Mrs. Altred Kolb Mr. Joseph Migiaro Ms. Eleen Oconnor Mr. John Pluck Ms. Christe Salomon Mr. Patrick Saucier Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Scott Mr. Peter Scranton Ms. Helen Stroebel-Glaser Mr. & Mrs. Neal Thomas Ms. Emily Warner Mr. & Mrs. Donald Waters Mr. Howard Weiss Milano Properties Marin Restcoe& Ekabeh Mahel Rbert Caims cbThe Ptcoe Family Foundition u & Ms. Arthur Caldwell Stacy Thomas Sbutan Consutrts df Com, LLC w& Ms. John Campane The Sack Foundation Inc The Connecticut Water Company M & Ms. James Cantey M& Mrs. Wam Boeckeler Ms. Danna toice M& Ms Jon Bowes The Bows Family Mc Richard Boyd M. & Mr. John Bracken Ms. Susan Bradiey Ms. Lynne Bradstreet Trustee M John Brady Mt & Mrs. John Brady M & Ms. Robert Bandau M& Ms. Vincent Brand Branford Dental Care M& Mrs. Joel Bregman MA Ms. Gary Brockman Mc& Ms. Robert Brown Mc Richard Brown Mc& Mrs. Laurence Brundret Mr.& Mrs. Gerald Gerlet Mr. & Mrs. Marin Gerst Mr. & Mrs. Paul Gesner Ms. Beverty Gbin Ms. Debra Gibert Ms. Elabeth G Ms. Susan Glantz Ms. Margaret Miranda M. Dana Moris Ms. Jodi Morison M. Artine Monissey Ms. Batara Morton Ms. Margaret Mouco M Nicholas Mozrio Ms. Patricia Msadoques M.& Ms. Daniel Mulvey M. & Mrs. Eric Muro M. Kenneth Muno M.& Mrs. Frederick Murphy Mr Alen Reider Ms. Bartera Relly Mr & Mrs. Perry Ranhard Mr Don Ricputi Ms. Emily Rich Mr & Mrs. Wam Ricigliano Mr & Mrs. Robert Rsley Mr & Mrs. Robert Rsley Mr & Mrs. Richard Roberts Ms. Jane Gassman Dr. Edward Gleich Mr. & Mrs. Jooeph Gora Mr. Sean Gordon Ms. Jennfer Gordon Mr. Edward Gordon Ms. Jennfer Gordon Mr. & Ms. Larence Gornley Mr. Casimir Gorski M& Ms Ahory Lani Jutice Lee Ms. Gayle Muphy Ms. Jemiter Hotnan Lee Mis. Elabeth Lete Mr & Mrs. Charles Lehberper M & Mrs. Gary Leonard Ms. Sharon Leone M & Mrs. Timothy Lepcr Mr& Ms. Sart Lmer M James Leva Mr. & Mrs. Steven Levine M. & Ms. Robert Levy Mr & Ms. Harvey Lavy M & Mrs. Martin Lewin Mc & Mrs. Andre LHeureur M & Mrs. Alan Lipnan M. Thomas Murgihy M.& Mrs. Wam Murphy Ms. Jean Mr & Mrs. Richard Robinson Murphy M.& Ms. Thomas Mursko M. & Mrs. Louis Musante M.& Ms. Sphen Muante M& Mrs. Jack Musler M. Charte Neely Ms. Caherine Neli Ms. Oynthia Nethercut M.& Ms. David Newton Ms. Judith Robinson Mr. Grant Gould Mr. & Mrs. James Grady Ms. EMa Grasso Mr. & Mrs. Gary Gry Mr. Pete Greenvall Mr. & Mrs. Kelth Grpurich Mr. & Mrs. Peter Grta Mr.& Mrs. Wer Grigo Mr. Aan Groves Mr.& Ms. Robert Guerete Mr. Frances Guidone Mr Cinton Rodenberg Mr & Mrs. James Rogalski Mr & Mrs. Wam Ra Roton Asociates Ms. Kathleen Rourke Mr & Ms. Thomas Rovel Ms. Eleen Russel M & Mrs. Thomas Brunele M. & Ms. Janes Bruni Ms. Mary Bucoell Mc & Mis. Kenneth Bucko M Spider Bulyk Ms. Danielle Butsch Ms. Justine Rutan Ms. Patricia Ruin M& Ms. Carl Noonan Ms. Gloria Novicki Mr. & Mrs. Chris Nutro M& Ms. David Nye Mr.& Ms. Keneth Nye M.& Ms. Thomas o'Dea M.& Ms. Michael OKeele Ms. Ingnd Oris M. Mary Or M.& Ms. Donald Osiander M.& Ms Jospeh Osander M & Mrs. Alan Ouimet M Thomas Ryan Mr & Mrs. David Sack Mr & Ms. Peter Sakalowsky Mr & Mrs. Peter Sakalowsky M Wam Salemo Ms. Conine Salve Joann Sandier Mr & Ms. Richard Sardi Mr & Ms. Wncent Saoca Mr & Ms. Robert Sawyer M Cord Scherb Mr & Mrs. Wam Schmidt Ms. Angela Schmidt Mr & Mrs. Mchael Schneider M Wiam Schoen M & Mn. Noman Schutt Cadwell Art Direction Mr Joseph Waitan Ms. Jaoqueline Ward Mr Loraine on Ms. Eleanore Wat M Andrew Weaver Mr & Ms. Christopher Weaver Mr& Ms Alan Weiss Ma. Beanor Weissnann Ms. Eliabeth Weteman Mr & Mrs. Donald Welch M& Mrs. Robert Caligan The Gutord Spotmere Aociation, nc Mr & Mrs. Walter Lipomann Mr.& Mrs. Robert Hale Ms. Herta Halwel M. Jessica itel Litte Colony Co Inc. Rev Jeanne Lloyd Ma. Kahieen Logodce M & Ms. Tom Lonbard M & Mrs. David Longobucco M & Mrs. Dwight Lopes M& Mrs. Mark Lostocce M & Mrs. Stephen Lewy M Keith Luckentach MC. Campbel, J M.& Mes. Richard Duer M.& Ms. Ronald Dn Mr. & Ms. Mark Halvorsen M& Ms. Arthur Caron Me & Mrs. James Can M& Ms. Wan Cara, M. Joseph Casasanta M. Wan Cash Hammonasset Package Store Mr. & Ms. George Hance Mr. A Ms. Mak Hanley Ms. Ruberta Hanion Mr. & Ms. James Hanvahan M&M Gahero M& Ms LaceAo M.& Mrs. John J. Dugan, M. Wiam Dunigan M.& Ms. Themas Ountevy Ms. Aberta Dupuis M.& Ms. Hery Ouques M.& Mrs. Dennis Durante M.& Ms John Durkin M&M DagAans Ms d oply Ms Laundon Advanced Famly Dertty of Od Lyme, LLC M&M gAdan Ms P Ay totLC Ms Luc M& M. Donakt Alm MSMs. Dae Ms. LoAe Mr. & Ms. Sean Haroon Ms. Lisa Harding Ms. Maryanne Huh Ms. Jane Harrs Mr. & Ms. James Has Ms. Resemary Hary Mr & Mrs. Douglas Werth Mr & Ms George Werthan Mr & Mes. Wiam White Mr. & Ms. Sot Whtney Ms. Charlote Wesbrock ME & Mes Roy Wiians Mr. Pat Wans M &Ms. Peter Wilg Ms. HelenWnckur M & Ms. Themas Padberg M. Judth Palmer Ms. Heidi Paimer M. Geofey Paimer M. Mahael Palmer Ms. Lara Palumbe Ms. Elinor Paris Ms. Sally Parker M. Richerd Pari M.& Ms Noman Pastorek Febert s Margaet Paice Family Foundition M& Mrs. Myron Paria M. Robert Patterson M.& Ms. Frank Penna Ms. Jean Emy enta M. Gerald Peregolie M.& Ms Steven erel M. & Mrs. Peter Peroso M.& Ms Mak ers M. Chariete Peteron Ms. Karin Peterson Ms. An Cassidy M& Mrs Andrew Castle Ms. Joseghine Cavallaro M. Themas Cawiey M& Mrs. ettrey Centrone M. Duniel Chabris Ms. Lindalea Ludwick M & Ms. Carl Lund M.& Ms. Peter Dwarak Ms. Maureen fgan M. & Ms. Wan Eder Ms. Doreen Ela M & Ms. Michael Lynch Ms. Rebecca Lyon M. & Mrs. David Macimis Peter Schutz Comuting LLC Ms. Nancy Schveartz Mc & Mrs hn Sctwart Mr Jseph Scuta Mr Aethony Scinto Mr & Ms. hobert Senbler Dr. & Mrs. Michal Shefe Me & Ms. Thomas Shanley M & Ms Janes Shapiro Shoreline Diesel, LLC Mr & Mrs. Peter Shuman M Thomas Sieminski Avis Semmons M & Ms. Gerald Simonides Me &Ms. Robert Sngren Ms. Pameta Skely Ms. Amy Slawson-forin Ms. Lois Smith Jju Chandy M& Ms. Robert Opman M& Ms. John Chidey M& Ms. Leon Cmielewski Mr.& Mrs. Henry Ellenbast M. & Ms. Pase Eane M. Paul Elo M& Mrs. Robert Els M.S Mrs. Jotn Etolte M.& Ms Stuart Engish M. David Er Ms. Gal Erickson M.& Mrs. Archibald Erskine M.& Ms. Alhed Esposto Ms. d Eheington Ms. Natale Evans M.& Ms. Mak Eans MRichard fagan M. Doris Fallon Mr. & Ms. Daniel Hauburger, . Ms. Theresa Madara Mr. & Ms. Lawronce Haiman Mr. & Ms. Dunnith Heenan, M & Mrs. Romaine Macomb Mr. & Ms Ncholas Heery Mr.A M James Henneberry Mr. &Ms. Henessey Ms. Paricia Hennesy Mr & Ms. Herde Ms. Sue Hermonat Ms. Emile Hi Mr. & Ms. Ronald Hck M & Mrs. Emil Wohigemuth ME Wiam Woods, M Ronadygonk, 00S M & M. Hugh Mackee M&M Thorpet M& Ms. MchelAndenon Ms. Strphanie Cark Ms Monka Car M & Mrs. Frank Macri Madison Dry Ceanen Madoon Service Center Ms Pc Andn Ms. Beey Andnon MSMs. Mten denan M&Ms fankAgelire M&Ms HAvicell Ms Retecatong M Elen A M&M RbetAetah M M&Ms Aeg Ms Lucy Aen ach Cemente Asociates Ine M & Mes. Patrick Ciftord MPhilp Corte M& Mrs. Dens Cole M Robet Cale M. Dorothy Coleta M& Ms. David Coli Ms. Suan Concannon Ms. Joan Conroy Ms. Joan Conoy Mr & Mrs. Mark Zagor Ms. Babara Zekala Ma. Danielle Zenieieski Mr Kenneth Zerie Ms. Cristina Zimmermam Mr & Ms. David Zamow Mr& Ms. Sphen Zuto ME Ms Zumpane M & Ms. Mchel Mammele M & Mrs. Edward Mangan Ms. Nancy Mann Mr. Cris H Ms. Patricia Mr. Mrs. Mtchel Hisch Mr. Edward Hoeter M Mak Manni Me & Mr. Adam Mancaris Mc & Mrs. Wlam March M & Ms Joel Marcus Ms. Heather Marte Ms. Valerie Mason THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! AMBULANCE The Madison Ambulance Association extends its heartfelt thanks to all the residents and community members of our Town who so generously supported our fundraising campaign from August 2019 through June 2020. Your 24/7 Ambulance Service is a 501(c)3 Non-Profit Organization and is not a Town of Madison entity. While the Town certainly provides significant financial support to us, our ability to recover all of our costs is limited by State and Federal regulations, leaving us with a deficit. Resident contributions help us to reduce this situation, and we say MADISON CONN. "THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!" 9 Old State Hwy 79, Madison, CT 203-245-9821 We apologize if we have misspelled any names, we did our best to proof our list! For information on making a Legacy Gift through your estate, please call. Mr. & Mrs. Gary Childress AMs Dvt gtian Mr. Michael Johnson M.& Ms. Jerome Co M. Joph Conpe M. Joshua Copel M. Ca Copley M.& Ms. Andrew Coppa MA Ms. Abert Coppola M.& Ms. Pa Coppola M. Sarah Coring M.& Ms. Emat Cor Ms. Patricia Corradne M. Chates Corso M Don Coshan MAMs Joph Couture felx Cowey M Derms Croe M. Joceyn Cunninghan M. bene Curts M.& Ms. Paul Dacorte M. & Ms. Thomas Daly M& Mrs Arthur Daly M.& Ms. Rchard Daniels M.& Ms. Joseph MS Mes. Ohartes Daricek W& Mrs. James Davidon M.& M. Sphen Davis Co Davis M. Eleen Oavis M.& Ms. Marinus De Jongh M Gerald Degenhard M John Delemame M. John Demetriou M. Clak Denslow Ms. Phylis Denton M. Louela Desa M. Norma Damond Ms. Dorma Obartolo M& Ms. Raymond Dickinson M.&Ms. Anthony Dicorlets M. Carolyn Dele M. John Diglo Ms. Carolyn Dilee M.& Mrs. John Dion M. Tony DOcchio M. John Ooheny M.& Mrs Anthony Doina M.& Ms. Wam Dol M. Dernis Dolahte M. Patrick Donahue Ms. Holly Donato Ms. Helen Donohue Ms. Sumy Donovan M.& Ms. Mak Doody M. & Mrs. George Doolte M.& Mrs. Michael Dorar M.& Mrs. John Domk M.& Ms. John Domk M.& Ms. Thomas Doughety M.& Mrs. Wan Downes M.& Mrs. Mak Drabinsk M.J. Henry Drought M. Jm Drum Ms. Donna Dubalde Ms. Donna Dubalde Mr. & Ms. Lawrence Federice The Ferency Family Ms. Caherine Ferraite Mr. & Ms. Mk fents Ms. Madeline Fakoa M & Ms. Toby Holoran M & Ms. Thomas Hellowy Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Homin M& Ms. Rchard Hokine HPS Associates LLC Ms. Teme Hudon Ms. Anne Hul M. Vera Masse M. & Ms. John Mathen M& Ms Jan Mahieu M. & Ms. Pau MeCarty M. Pul Pe M David Peter M David Phelan Ms. Renee ps M& Mes. Lawnence McCarty Me Mke Piccione M. & Ms. James MeCoskey Me Michael Piccione M. & Mrs. Thomas McComick Ma. Dianne Picone M & Ms. ames Picone Mr & Mrs. Brian Smith M. Aey M Ondy Bakey M& M. Rchard burd M& Ms. Rebetald Ms. Linda Smih M& Ms. Freeman Smt Ma. Gail Snow M & Mrs. John Sokoinicki Ms Acia Solis Ma. Constance Somers Mr & Ms. Curtis Sorensen Mr & Ms JKant Sprague Mr. Wam Sprague Ms. Charon Squtier Ms. Patrica St acqus DE Wan Stabletord Mr & Ms. Elas Stamatelos Mr James Steta Mr & Mrs. Harold Strphens Mr & Ms. James Shenson Ms. Francine Stem D& M. Thomas Sarwart Mr 6 Mrs. Lee Sewart Ms. Patrica Sso Mr & Mrs. Arthie Store M & Mes. Robert Stout Mr Wiam Sunblade Mr Mrs Jack Suton Mr & Mrs. Anthony Tavela Mr lan Taylor Mr & Mrs. Paul Teleg Ms Jyne Teford Mr & Mrs John Tewkstury Mr Rodney Thomas Ma. Mriam Thomas Ms. Barbara Thomposon Mr & M. Willam Thompson, J Mr & Mrs. Mak Tiede Ms. Sarah Tiemey Mr 6 Mrs. Gary facia Or & Mrs. Gerald Tolchin Mr Damen Toten Ms. Roberta Trotta Mr & Mrs. Eehard Tscholl Mr & Mrs. Charles Tyson Mr & Mrs. Strphen Upham Mr& Ms. Gerbrand Van Dk Kaas Van Heel Ma. Mary Vrga Mr & Mrs. Edwin Varley Ms. Carolyn Varone Mr & Mrs. Harold Viyo Mr & Ms. Robert We Von Ancken & Asociates Mr & Mrs. Jh Wagner Ms. Eleen Waldman Ms. Catherine Wker PFWalace Mr & Mrs. Owen Walsh Mr & Mrs. James Walsh Ms. Helen Davis Mr. & Mrs. J. Sanford Davis Mter Baker Ms. Laura Desmarais Mr. & Mrs. EJ. Finn Mr. Bruce Kely Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Mig Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Murphy Me& Mis. Aelonio Betista Mr. & Mrs. Jack Reynolds Madison Beach Hobel McKinney Realty LLC Ms. Sara Bermier Mrs. Marsena Campbel Mr. Thomas Drennen Ms. Maria De Castro Foden Mr. Ted Glassman Ms. Regina Hausmann Mr. Thomas Holloway Mr. & Mrs. James Ryan Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Sisk The Madison Foundation Madison Jaycees, Inc. Homestead Madison, LLC Ms. Joan Fibey Mr. & Mn. Raymond Fip Ms. Auttin Fah, Mr. & Ms. Carts Fisher Mr. & Ms. Richard fuh M Cra Flath Mr. Edmen Flood M. Suranne Fogaty Ms. Dorcas fontaine Mr. & Mrs. Alan ford Ms. Melody Fonest Frame Advisors. LLC Mr &Mrs. James Francese Mr. Mark feedette Mr. Dvid frey Mr Aan fredier M. Margrd Baket M. Mary Bareby M& M. Themas Mr. & Ms Jhn bbeon M& Mn. Wayde uakson Mr & Ms. Lloyd Jcobsen Ms. L Ja M Judth McCunker Bruce& Renoe Mcntyre Charitatie Mr & Mn. Antony Perce-Gove Chartable G M. Vietor Megrady M. Mary Mebain M. & Ms. Michael Mckinnen M Alexander Mkissi Ms. Beabeth MeManus M. Lyda MeMin Mi. Helen Mamara M. Beverty Meel M. Patricia Monemey M.& Ms. K. Stepheri Meader Ms. Lisa Meland M. Helen Melanidis Trat a Donor Advised Trust of the US Mr &Ms. Rutsell Pieson Mr & M. Wam hogo Mr & Ms. Starey Pnover Ms. Lisa Porke Mr & M. Gary Pat M Peter Porino Ms. Nancy Porter Mr No Potovot Ms. Deanore Poter M Thomas Poel Mr Stephen Power Ms Helen Powers Mr & Mn. Philp Prest M Ms James Preston Dr. Gary rice M& Ms. Howard Barron MA Ms. Dougas Bavin M& Ms. Wan Beagle Me& Mrs. Vemen Beaice M Bruce Bebe M.& M Becker M& Mrs. Cvistan Becker M& Ms. Chartes Beckman Ms. Patricia Bedard M. Louise Beecher Ms. Patricia Behan M& Mrs. Henry Betre M& Ms. Oavid Del M& Ms. Henry Berham M Thomas Benincas, Me& Ms. Michael Berendt M & Mrs Robert Jefords M. & Mrs. Brook Jeryk M & Ms. Kevi Johoon Ms. Linda Jhnon De& M. Frak Jones M& Ms. Carance Jones Mr & Ms. Lawrence Ksh M. Para Kapsinow Dr &Ms. Lee Ka M. Rbn Keegan M Brian Keeney Ms Pa Keiser Ms. Dorthy Kelley M& Mrs. Divaker Keskare M & Mrs. Thomas Kennedy Mc & Ms. Richard Kamnedy Mr. & Mrs. Wiam frednan M. Marianne Frost Mr Rebert Fryar Mr. & Mrs. hn Fuchs Mr. fred Fuest Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Galtagher Mr. A M. Scott Ganber Mr. & Mrs. ttey Gamet Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Ganty Mr. & Mrs. Brendan Garvey Ms. Barberam Gay M. Duane Melor M. Judth Merram M.& Mrs. Peter Metz M. Oynthia Meyn M& Ms. Themas Mchacnk M. Batara Mes M. Jet M M. Jane Miler M.&Ms Joel Miler Ms. Dina Mini Mr & Ms. Wiam Pruchnick M & Mrs. Bennett Pudin Ms Andrea Puglia Mr. Donel Rubinowitz Dr etey Rabufto Mr & Mrs. Edward Rat M & Mrs Andrew Rat Ms. Ruh Raleigh Mr & Mrs. Don Rankin Ms Agnes Rath Mr Sart Ratray M Timothy Rausch Mr & Mrs. Artur Redich Ms. Bonie Berral M Rody Bertolin M Carles inkley Ms. Alson Be M& Mrs. Alan Bake Mr. & Mrs. Wiam Keterer Phongphan aman Ms. Nancy Kernan M & Mrs. Thomas Kity M & Mrs. Moris Krcheft RichardA Gmtle Bldng Co. LLC M John Kissane Mr & Mrs. Frank King M & M. George Klug M David Kno M George Koch Mr & Mrs. Pa Konina Mr. & Mrs. Richard Komala Ms. Michele Kottage Ms. Mary Kooma Mr & Mrs. Ronald Krauss Mr & Mrs. David Kreuter Ms. Paricia Laganse Mr. Peter Lavele Dr. Vijay Arand Ms. Marie Bassett Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Browning Ms. Marcia iven Marjorie Clark Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Cooper Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Davis Mr. Joe Davola Ms. Christine Dechello Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Dolan Ms. Lucinda Embersits Ms. Jeanie Haggan Mr. & Mrs. Mahion Hale Mr. & Mrs. Altred Kolb Mr. Joseph Migiaro Ms. Eleen Oconnor Mr. John Pluck Ms. Christe Salomon Mr. Patrick Saucier Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Scott Mr. Peter Scranton Ms. Helen Stroebel-Glaser Mr. & Mrs. Neal Thomas Ms. Emily Warner Mr. & Mrs. Donald Waters Mr. Howard Weiss Milano Properties Marin Restcoe& Ekabeh Mahel Rbert Caims cbThe Ptcoe Family Foundition u & Ms. Arthur Caldwell Stacy Thomas Sbutan Consutrts df Com, LLC w& Ms. John Campane The Sack Foundation Inc The Connecticut Water Company M & Ms. James Cantey M& Mrs. Wam Boeckeler Ms. Danna toice M& Ms Jon Bowes The Bows Family Mc Richard Boyd M. & Mr. John Bracken Ms. Susan Bradiey Ms. Lynne Bradstreet Trustee M John Brady Mt & Mrs. John Brady M & Ms. Robert Bandau M& Ms. Vincent Brand Branford Dental Care M& Mrs. Joel Bregman MA Ms. Gary Brockman Mc& Ms. Robert Brown Mc Richard Brown Mc& Mrs. Laurence Brundret Mr.& Mrs. Gerald Gerlet Mr. & Mrs. Marin Gerst Mr. & Mrs. Paul Gesner Ms. Beverty Gbin Ms. Debra Gibert Ms. Elabeth G Ms. Susan Glantz Ms. Margaret Miranda M. Dana Moris Ms. Jodi Morison M. Artine Monissey Ms. Batara Morton Ms. Margaret Mouco M Nicholas Mozrio Ms. Patricia Msadoques M.& Ms. Daniel Mulvey M. & Mrs. Eric Muro M. Kenneth Muno M.& Mrs. Frederick Murphy Mr Alen Reider Ms. Bartera Relly Mr & Mrs. Perry Ranhard Mr Don Ricputi Ms. Emily Rich Mr & Mrs. Wam Ricigliano Mr & Mrs. Robert Rsley Mr & Mrs. Robert Rsley Mr & Mrs. Richard Roberts Ms. Jane Gassman Dr. Edward Gleich Mr. & Mrs. Jooeph Gora Mr. Sean Gordon Ms. Jennfer Gordon Mr. Edward Gordon Ms. Jennfer Gordon Mr. & Ms. Larence Gornley Mr. Casimir Gorski M& Ms Ahory Lani Jutice Lee Ms. Gayle Muphy Ms. Jemiter Hotnan Lee Mis. Elabeth Lete Mr & Mrs. Charles Lehberper M & Mrs. Gary Leonard Ms. Sharon Leone M & Mrs. Timothy Lepcr Mr& Ms. Sart Lmer M James Leva Mr. & Mrs. Steven Levine M. & Ms. Robert Levy Mr & Ms. Harvey Lavy M & Mrs. Martin Lewin Mc & Mrs. Andre LHeureur M & Mrs. Alan Lipnan M. Thomas Murgihy M.& Mrs. Wam Murphy Ms. Jean Mr & Mrs. Richard Robinson Murphy M.& Ms. Thomas Mursko M. & Mrs. Louis Musante M.& Ms. Sphen Muante M& Mrs. Jack Musler M. Charte Neely Ms. Caherine Neli Ms. Oynthia Nethercut M.& Ms. David Newton Ms. Judith Robinson Mr. Grant Gould Mr. & Mrs. James Grady Ms. EMa Grasso Mr. & Mrs. Gary Gry Mr. Pete Greenvall Mr. & Mrs. Kelth Grpurich Mr. & Mrs. Peter Grta Mr.& Mrs. Wer Grigo Mr. Aan Groves Mr.& Ms. Robert Guerete Mr. Frances Guidone Mr Cinton Rodenberg Mr & Mrs. James Rogalski Mr & Mrs. Wam Ra Roton Asociates Ms. Kathleen Rourke Mr & Ms. Thomas Rovel Ms. Eleen Russel M & Mrs. Thomas Brunele M. & Ms. Janes Bruni Ms. Mary Bucoell Mc & Mis. Kenneth Bucko M Spider Bulyk Ms. Danielle Butsch Ms. Justine Rutan Ms. Patricia Ruin M& Ms. Carl Noonan Ms. Gloria Novicki Mr. & Mrs. Chris Nutro M& Ms. David Nye Mr.& Ms. Keneth Nye M.& Ms. Thomas o'Dea M.& Ms. Michael OKeele Ms. Ingnd Oris M. Mary Or M.& Ms. Donald Osiander M.& Ms Jospeh Osander M & Mrs. Alan Ouimet M Thomas Ryan Mr & Mrs. David Sack Mr & Ms. Peter Sakalowsky Mr & Mrs. Peter Sakalowsky M Wam Salemo Ms. Conine Salve Joann Sandier Mr & Ms. Richard Sardi Mr & Ms. Wncent Saoca Mr & Ms. Robert Sawyer M Cord Scherb Mr & Mrs. Wam Schmidt Ms. Angela Schmidt Mr & Mrs. Mchael Schneider M Wiam Schoen M & Mn. Noman Schutt Cadwell Art Direction Mr Joseph Waitan Ms. Jaoqueline Ward Mr Loraine on Ms. Eleanore Wat M Andrew Weaver Mr & Ms. Christopher Weaver Mr& Ms Alan Weiss Ma. Beanor Weissnann Ms. Eliabeth Weteman Mr & Mrs. Donald Welch M& Mrs. Robert Caligan The Gutord Spotmere Aociation, nc Mr & Mrs. Walter Lipomann Mr.& Mrs. Robert Hale Ms. Herta Halwel M. Jessica itel Litte Colony Co Inc. Rev Jeanne Lloyd Ma. Kahieen Logodce M & Ms. Tom Lonbard M & Mrs. David Longobucco M & Mrs. Dwight Lopes M& Mrs. Mark Lostocce M & Mrs. Stephen Lewy M Keith Luckentach MC. Campbel, J M.& Mes. Richard Duer M.& Ms. Ronald Dn Mr. & Ms. Mark Halvorsen M& Ms. Arthur Caron Me & Mrs. James Can M& Ms. Wan Cara, M. Joseph Casasanta M. Wan Cash Hammonasset Package Store Mr. & Ms. George Hance Mr. A Ms. Mak Hanley Ms. Ruberta Hanion Mr. & Ms. James Hanvahan M&M Gahero M& Ms LaceAo M.& Mrs. John J. Dugan, M. Wiam Dunigan M.& Ms. Themas Ountevy Ms. Aberta Dupuis M.& Ms. Hery Ouques M.& Mrs. Dennis Durante M.& Ms John Durkin M&M DagAans Ms d oply Ms Laundon Advanced Famly Dertty of Od Lyme, LLC M&M gAdan Ms P Ay totLC Ms Luc M& M. Donakt Alm MSMs. Dae Ms. LoAe Mr. & Ms. Sean Haroon Ms. Lisa Harding Ms. Maryanne Huh Ms. Jane Harrs Mr. & Ms. James Has Ms. Resemary Hary Mr & Mrs. Douglas Werth Mr & Ms George Werthan Mr & Mes. Wiam White Mr. & Ms. Sot Whtney Ms. Charlote Wesbrock ME & Mes Roy Wiians Mr. Pat Wans M &Ms. Peter Wilg Ms. HelenWnckur M & Ms. Themas Padberg M. Judth Palmer Ms. Heidi Paimer M. Geofey Paimer M. Mahael Palmer Ms. Lara Palumbe Ms. Elinor Paris Ms. Sally Parker M. Richerd Pari M.& Ms Noman Pastorek Febert s Margaet Paice Family Foundition M& Mrs. Myron Paria M. Robert Patterson M.& Ms. Frank Penna Ms. Jean Emy enta M. Gerald Peregolie M.& Ms Steven erel M. & Mrs. Peter Peroso M.& Ms Mak ers M. Chariete Peteron Ms. Karin Peterson Ms. An Cassidy M& Mrs Andrew Castle Ms. Joseghine Cavallaro M. Themas Cawiey M& Mrs. ettrey Centrone M. Duniel Chabris Ms. Lindalea Ludwick M & Ms. Carl Lund M.& Ms. Peter Dwarak Ms. Maureen fgan M. & Ms. Wan Eder Ms. Doreen Ela M & Ms. Michael Lynch Ms. Rebecca Lyon M. & Mrs. David Macimis Peter Schutz Comuting LLC Ms. Nancy Schveartz Mc & Mrs hn Sctwart Mr Jseph Scuta Mr Aethony Scinto Mr & Ms. hobert Senbler Dr. & Mrs. Michal Shefe Me & Ms. Thomas Shanley M & Ms Janes Shapiro Shoreline Diesel, LLC Mr & Mrs. Peter Shuman M Thomas Sieminski Avis Semmons M & Ms. Gerald Simonides Me &Ms. Robert Sngren Ms. Pameta Skely Ms. Amy Slawson-forin Ms. Lois Smith Jju Chandy M& Ms. Robert Opman M& Ms. John Chidey M& Ms. Leon Cmielewski Mr.& Mrs. Henry Ellenbast M. & Ms. Pase Eane M. Paul Elo M& Mrs. Robert Els M.S Mrs. Jotn Etolte M.& Ms Stuart Engish M. David Er Ms. Gal Erickson M.& Mrs. Archibald Erskine M.& Ms. Alhed Esposto Ms. d Eheington Ms. Natale Evans M.& Ms. Mak Eans MRichard fagan M. Doris Fallon Mr. & Ms. Daniel Hauburger, . Ms. Theresa Madara Mr. & Ms. Lawronce Haiman Mr. & Ms. Dunnith Heenan, M & Mrs. Romaine Macomb Mr. & Ms Ncholas Heery Mr.A M James Henneberry Mr. &Ms. Henessey Ms. Paricia Hennesy Mr & Ms. Herde Ms. Sue Hermonat Ms. Emile Hi Mr. & Ms. Ronald Hck M & Mrs. Emil Wohigemuth ME Wiam Woods, M Ronadygonk, 00S M & M. Hugh Mackee M&M Thorpet M& Ms. MchelAndenon Ms. Strphanie Cark Ms Monka Car M & Mrs. Frank Macri Madison Dry Ceanen Madoon Service Center Ms Pc Andn Ms. Beey Andnon MSMs. Mten denan M&Ms fankAgelire M&Ms HAvicell Ms Retecatong M Elen A M&M RbetAetah M M&Ms Aeg Ms Lucy Aen ach Cemente Asociates Ine M & Mes. Patrick Ciftord MPhilp Corte M& Mrs. Dens Cole M Robet Cale M. Dorothy Coleta M& Ms. David Coli Ms. Suan Concannon Ms. Joan Conroy Ms. Joan Conoy Mr & Mrs. Mark Zagor Ms. Babara Zekala Ma. Danielle Zenieieski Mr Kenneth Zerie Ms. Cristina Zimmermam Mr & Ms. David Zamow Mr& Ms. Sphen Zuto ME Ms Zumpane M & Ms. Mchel Mammele M & Mrs. Edward Mangan Ms. Nancy Mann Mr. Cris H Ms. Patricia Mr. Mrs. Mtchel Hisch Mr. Edward Hoeter M Mak Manni Me & Mr. Adam Mancaris Mc & Mrs. Wlam March M & Ms Joel Marcus Ms. Heather Marte Ms. Valerie Mason