In 1971, the Friends of Scranton Library was formed and in 2015, they became incorporated as a 501(C) 3, with non-profit status. Ever since, we have been busy helping the Scranton Memorial Library by augmenting the budget, buying books and provide services. We have planned and implemented events: the Parade of Pooches, Galleries in Motion, One Book – One Town, a huge number of children’s programs, the occasional Pop-Up book sale and principally, an Annual Book Sale. We have provided refreshments for Trivia Nights and Sunday afternoon musical programs. We are a source of financial support for the Library. Often you might find Friends reshelving returned books and CDs.
The first expansion project at the Scranton Memorial Library was the construction of the Children’s Library and beneath it, the Community Room. The fledgling Friends group was actively raising funds. In 1989, when the new wing was built on the east side of the building, the Friends worked to make up a shortfall, raising the funds to replace the broken and dysfunctional circulation desk, an item that had been cut, by necessity, from the budget. At about the same time, the Friends funded the purchase of: a new glass display case, a PA system, a projector, racks for storing chairs used at events, carpet, books and the new circulation desk only replaced during the most recent expansion and remodeling completed in 2020.
Soon after, the Friends became a dues-for-membership organization. Twenty-eight years ago, individual membership was only $5, and family membership was $8; senior was $3 and corporate was $25. Over 400 Madison residents joined in 1990-91. Dues have not kept up with inflation and are still a bargain! Individual membership is just $15, family is $35, friend is $50 and best friend is $100.