A PRMI Primary Residential Mortgage, Inc. PRMI NMLS 3094 Marc was highly responsive on a very tight timeline. His team was diligent and patient with our work schedules." Marc Meglio Senior Loan Officer I NMLS: 1616289 96 Broad Street I Guilford I CT I 06437 C 203.832.2561 | 0 203.533-7239 I F 877.631.5660 www.prmishoreline.com I mmeglio@primeres.com PRMI ELITY Kathleen, East Lyme CLUB PRMI Primary Residential Mortgage, Inc. TOP The Shoreline Division SocialSurvey If you're considering purchasing a new home or refinancing an existing home, please contact Marc for all your mortgage needs. 96 Broad Street, Guilford, CT | 203.453.5555 I www.prmishoreline.com A Connecticut Department of Banking, Lender NMLS #3094 f A PRMI Primary Residential Mortgage, Inc. PRMI NMLS 3094 Marc was highly responsive on a very tight timeline. His team was diligent and patient with our work schedules." Marc Meglio Senior Loan Officer I NMLS: 1616289 96 Broad Street I Guilford I CT I 06437 C 203.832.2561 | 0 203.533-7239 I F 877.631.5660 www.prmishoreline.com I mmeglio@primeres.com PRMI ELITY Kathleen, East Lyme CLUB PRMI Primary Residential Mortgage, Inc. TOP The Shoreline Division SocialSurvey If you're considering purchasing a new home or refinancing an existing home, please contact Marc for all your mortgage needs. 96 Broad Street, Guilford, CT | 203.453.5555 I www.prmishoreline.com A Connecticut Department of Banking, Lender NMLS #3094 f